It is crucial for children to learn about climate change from a young age, and what better way to do this than through books? Many adults are hesitant to talk about climate change in front of children because it's such a large and potentially scary topic. Some adults even go as far as to say talking about climate change with kids could do more harm than good.
An easy way to address climate change in a kid friendly manner is by reading a book. Children will understand that climate change is an issue but they will read about ways to address and overcome the challenge. Books will lead to deeper conversations that bring hope instead of fear.
You can start this conversation by asking how this book made your children feel and what they think about what is happening in the world today. And don't be afraid to simply read or give a book to your child without having a large conversation about it. Books still make a difference on their own.
Spring Forward has compiled a list of recommended picture books and books aimed at young adults.
It's always a challenge to find good books, and especially on a topic like climate change that's not as widely addressed, but here are a few.
Think Deeper

Not sure what to do after reading and discussing a book? Take it to the next level by having your child write a book review. Writing the book review will make them go deeper into what happened in the book, what the book means, and how it relates to our world today. Thinking about the book longer also ensure that the message of the book will stick longer and be taken to heart.
Access our book review templates here or make your own template!
Send the completed book reviews to so we can post them on our website to inspire other kids.
+ you will receive a free book mark to print out when you send us your review!
Picture Books Descriptions and Discussion Questions

One Plastic Bag (Miranda Paul) Ever since Isatou Ceesay recognized how plastic bags left on the land cause harm in her country Njau, Gambia, it has been her mission to recycle plastic bags and contribute to living in a healthier environment. Discussion questions: What was the issue with plastic bags being left on the ground? // Do you think Isatou did the right thing? Why? // Were there any obstacles Isatou faced when trying to reach her goal? // What was your favorite picture in the book? Why?

Seeds Of Change: Wangari’s Gift to the World (Jen Cullerton Jhonson) Learn about how Kenyan woman Wangari Maathai used her knowledge to help change the environment in Kenya by planting millions of trees. Discussion questions: What was Wangari’s mission? // How did Wangari’s act benefit her community? // Is there a time where you’ve wanted to help your community like Wangari did? // How did her act make you feel? // What would you say to her if you met her?

This inspiring book tells the story of Jane Goodall, famed conservationist, as a young girl, passionate about nature and animals.
Discussion Questions:
Jane wondered about the eggs, what is one thing you wonder about? // What do you think happened on the last two pages? -- tell them about what Jane Goodall did when she grew up // What do you want to do when you are an adult? -- Have them write a letter to themself in the future using this worksheet.
Watch this video if you don’t have the book

This is a beautiful story of young Georgie Badiel’s long trip to get water for her family.
Discussion Questions Why do you think these children need to travel so far for water? // Is Gie Gie happy in the story? // Do you think Gie Gie goes to school everyday? // What would happen if you drank dirty water? // What can people do to help people like Gie Gie who don’t have access to clean water?
Watch this video if you don’t have the book

Mary has the idea to make a garden in the dirty vacant lot in her city to help her neighborhood.
Discussion Questions
Have you ever planted before? // How did planting this garden improve the lives of those around her? // Why are plants important people? // How do plants help stop climate change? // What could you do to help your neighborhood? // What could you do to help stop climate change?
Watch this video if you don’t have the book.
Make an action plan to solve a problem in your community using this worksheet.
Want to Take Climate Education to the Next Level?
Spring Forward is gives FREE online workshops about climate change for elementary school students. Learn more here
Spring Forward also creates many free activities for children to do at home. Not only are these activities fun, they also empower children with crucial knowledge on climate change. Learn more and get your free activity today!